zabojeb. 2023.

Hello, world!

16.03.2023 As an artist, I have always been fascinated by the concept of generative art. This is an art form that is created using algorithms and programming principles, and in recent years it has become increasingly popular. In this article I will talk about the history of generative art, its popularity and the creative process underlying it. I will also share my personal opinion about generative art and tell you why it is worth studying.

Intro in Generative art

Generative art is an art form that is created using algorithms or computer programs. The idea of generative art is to create a system that can create works of art without human intervention. An artist creates a set of rules or parameters, and a computer generates a work of art based on these rules. The result is often unpredictable and can lead to the creation of unique and interesting works of art.

Generative art can take various forms, from digital art to physical installations. Some artists use generative art to create interactive installations where works of art change depending on the actions of the viewer. Others use generative art to create complex patterns or designs that cannot be created manually.

Some history

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The history of generative art dates back to the 1960s, when artists began experimenting with computer programs to create works of art. One of the first pioneers of generative art was Vera Molnar, who began using computers to create geometric patterns in the 1960s.

In the 1970s, artists such as Harold Cohen and Michael Noll began using computers to create works of art that mimic human drawing and painting techniques. These early experiments laid the foundation for modern generative art, which uses algorithms and programming principles to create unique and interesting artworks.

Understanding Generative art

What is it?
Generative art is created using algorithms, which are sets of rules or instructions that a computer follows to create a work of art. The artist creates an algorithm, and the computer generates a work of art based on this algorithm.

Algorithms can be simple or complex, depending on the artist's goals. Some artists use basic algorithms to create simple patterns or drawings, while others use sophisticated algorithms to create complex and detailed works of art.

One of the advantages of using algorithms in art is that they allow an artist to create works of art that cannot be created manually. With the help of algorithms, an artist can create complex patterns, drawings and animations that would be too difficult or take too long to create manually.

Popularity of Generative art

Generative art has become increasingly popular in recent years, many artists use it to create unique and interesting works of art. One of the reasons for its popularity is that it allows artists to create works of art that are both beautiful and technically impressive.

Generative art has also become popular in the technology industry: many companies use it to create interactive installations and visualizations. For example, Google's DeepDream project uses generative art to create unique and surreal images.

Another reason for the popularity of generative art is that it allows artists to explore new forms of self-expression. With the help of generative art, an artist can create works of art that are truly unique and unlike anything else.

My look at generative art

As an artist, generative art has always attracted me. I like the idea that I can create works of art using algorithms and programming principles, and that these works are both beautiful and technically impressive.

For me, generative art is a way to explore new forms of self-expression and create works of art that are truly unique. I like to experiment with different algorithms and look at the works of art that the computer creates.

Creativity in generative art

The creative process underlying generative art is both technical and artistic. The artist must be well versed in algorithms and programming principles, as well as have an idea of design and aesthetics.

The artist starts by creating an algorithm or a set of rules that will be used to create a work of art. This algorithm can be either simple or complex, at the request of the artist. After creating the algorithm, the artist runs it through a computer program that generates a work of art based on the algorithm.

Then the artist evaluates the work and, if necessary, makes adjustments to the algorithm. This process can be repeated several times until the artist is satisfied with the final result.

What next?

Fortunately, the future of generative art is bright, many artists and companies use it to create unique and interesting works of art. As technology evolves, we can expect the emergence of even more impressive and complex generative art.

One area where generative art is likely to have a significant impact is the field of artificial intelligence. As artificial intelligence develops, we can see how generative art is used to create unique and impressive works of art.


In conclusion, generative art is a fascinating and unique art form that is both beautiful and technically impressive. It allows artists to create truly unique works of art and explore new forms of self-expression.

As an artist, I believe that the study of generative art is necessary for everyone who is interested in the intersection of art and technology. By understanding the creative process underlying generative art and the algorithms used to create it, artists can create works of art that are both beautiful and technically impressive.

If you want to learn more about generative art, I strongly recommend that you explore some of the many resources available on the internet. There are countless textbooks, forums and communities dedicated to generative art, and they offer a huge amount of information and inspiration.

So why not try generative art? Who knows, perhaps you will discover a new form of self-expression, the existence of which you did not even suspect.